Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Save the Day Seasonings!

Guys, I like to throw parties! If there is an excuse to celebrate I will take it and run. That's exactly what happened when Save the Day Seasonings asked me to try some of their samples. I said, "YES!" at the chance to have a party and party we did!

I enlisted the help of some cute littles and they loved helping me mix the seasonings in sour cream. We decided the best way for everyone to see and experience the diverse seasoning options was to mix the flavors with a mild base, hence the sour cream. The kids loved being the first of the party to taste the different flavors!

I displayed the samples with the provided pamphlets and pretzels. It was easy but effective! I watched people come back to try new flavors and try their favorites again!

We decided to use this event and tie it into a fall theme. We had baked potatoes and soup as well! I used a Mexican flavoring seasoning in my taco soup and everyone seemed to love it! 

Again, it was so fun to watch the kids get involved! They loved comparing each flavor and ultimately decided they loved the "Strong Arm" flavor the best. In fact, the "Strong Arm" was the winner of flavors for the night!

My friends were so supportive and we had a fun time trying something new! Flavor winner of the night was "Strong Arm." Flavor loser was "Saltless Wonder." Maybe next time, Saltless! 

All-in-all the night was fun and light! Everybody enjoyed learning about the seasonings and their ease in using them for recipes. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

October 2018 LDS General Conference

I LOVE fall! I love the crisp mornings, the warm and cozy soups, the smell of the leaves....*sigh*

One thing I look forward to most in the fall is our General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's a time to listen to our prophet and the apostles. A time for a spiritual feast! I truly do love it!

Every conference our family does a little pre-conference Family Home Evening. The Monday night before we gather together and discuss Conference, learn about our leaders, and of course nibble on something delicious! I thought I would share what we have in store for this Monday night!

This was my breakfast this morning...Apple crispt (and yes, it's totally an acceptable breakfast!) and learning about our prophet!

Opening Song: Come Listen to a Prophets Voice; Hymn #21

Opening Prayer
Scripture: Mosiah 15:11
Our Lesson and Activity: Getting to Know the Prophet and Apostles and Apostle Song 

I found this adorable printout of the prophet and apostles in a Friend magazine a few months ago. I think it is a cute and fun way to learn about our leaders!

Here is the link so you can go print off your own:

THEN we learn a cute song from one of my favorite musical groups, Mercy River. One of their members, Whitney, creates these cute apostle songs so that we can learn each apostle name! I look forward to singing it with the kids. We sing it in the van, at dinner, during breakfast, playing outside...anywhere! This year is new since we sustained two new apostles last conference! Here is her link:

Closing Song: New Apostle Song
Closing Prayer:
Treat: Rice Krispies (the best you'll ever taste!)

Rice Krispie Recipe

These babies are ooey and gooey and delightful. They are my most favorite rice krispie treats on the planet! I will get a picture of them later tonight after I've made them but for now, here is a scrumptious recipe!

One and a half bags of mini marshmallows
2 cubes of butter
2 tsp vanilla
4-6 drops of food coloring of choice (optional)
12 cups of rice krispies
sprinkles of choice (optional)

In a large bowl, measure and pour the rice krispies. Set aside.
In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium-high heat. Once butter is melted, add in the marshmallows. Continuously stir until the mallows are melted and bubbly. Remove from heat and quickly stir in vanilla and food coloring. Stir until food coloring is mixed throughout. 
Pour mallow mixture over rice krispies and stir until the mallows and krispies and blended well together. 
Dump krispie mixture onto a greased rimmed cookie sheet and spread out evenly. Top with however many sprinkles you would like and devour! 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Light the World

If you haven’t heard of this movement I challenge you to look it up! It’s amazing, uplifting, inspiring, and beautiful.

Last year the Mormon church challenged others to #LightTheWorld with simple daily acts of service. Being a member of the Mormon faith, or LDS, we took this challenge on as a family. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would my kids think it was lame? Would the whine and complain about every service we would provide for others? Can I really find ways to serve for 25 days?! I was a little apprehensive but wanted to give it my all with the hope that we would find a deeper and more spiritual meaning to Christmas.

I was touched by the results of trying to #LightTheWorld. My kids were looking everyday for ways that they could help others. They reminded me to watch the sweet videos that were posted online every day. ( Any time one of them helped someone else in the family, we would hear their sweet and excited voices cheerfully yell, “You are lighting the world!” We began to have deeper conversations of the true meaning of Christmas. We discussed why Christ’s birth was a miracle, how Mary must have felt being Jesus’ mom, what the wise men must have sacrificed to travel so far to worship him, who in this world needs Christ, and so many other beautiful topics. We were able to spend meaningful time together as a family, despite the hustle and bustle of preparing for the holidays. Lighting the world has been by far my favorite service project we have done as a family.

We have been touched by the goodness of others during Christmas time in the past. We have seen and been a part of miracles. I love service! I love to watch others light up and see a burden lifted when we help. It can be a simple, small act or something requiring a little more sacrifice, but the results are always the same. I feel more love from my Heavenly Father and a deeper peace.  

Even if you are not a member of the LDS faith, you can still participate in this challenge because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t need some cheering up?! Serving others will lift you and the ones you are serving up! Guaranteed! We need a little more good in this world, so now is the time.

I found a few calendars both on and a few other blog sites. This one from A Year of FHE was cute! They have ones for teens and children! Brilliant! I thought this one was really sweet and interactive from the Friend Magazine. They help give ideas of ways you can serve each day. Alter them to your liking! The point is that you are doing something wonderful for others every day.

If you are struggling with some ideas here are a few we have done and/or are planning on doing this year!

* Bake cookies and take them to neighbors
* Shovel sidewalks
* Sing Christmas carols to a nursing home
* Create cards and send them to family members
* Write letters to missionaries
* Pay for someone's meal in a restaurant or in the drive thru behind you
* Deliver flowers to strangers in the grocery store (and watch and love their reactions)
* Take a meal to someone who has been sick or has recently had surgery or someone having a rough time
* Forgive someone who doesn't necessarily deserve it
* Say "I'm sorry" first
* Give out cups of hot chocolate to the homeless
* Donate gently used items to Deseret Industries or Goodwill
* Have a family over for dinner
* Pray for someone 
* Be slow to anger 
* Visit a lonely friend
* Hold open the door
* Give someone a compliment
* Write love notes to everyone in your family 

If you do take this on (Please do. You won’t regret it) I would love to hear your results and ideas!

Let’s remember the beautiful reason for this season and Him who gave His life for us. Merry Christmas to you all! I hope it’s a blessed one for each of you!