Tuesday, March 20, 2012

72 Hour Kits

One of the first steps to preparedness is to have a 72 hour kit in case of an emergency. For example if your house were to burn down or even your neighbors and it were to catch your own home on fire. Another example, if there was a risk of flooding in your area, or hurricane. Bottom line….you never know when an emergency will happen to you. Do you know exactly what you would take right now? Do you know where everything is? I had no idea! So here are some hints and tips to get you started!
Make sure you sit down with your family and discuss an emergency evacuation situation. When it could happen and why it’s necessary to prepare.

·         Make sure each family member knows where to find their 72 hour kits.

·         Keep a flashlight by everyone’s bed just in case the power goes out.

·         Choose a place to meet if something happens. Choose one place right outside your house and also another place in the neighborhood.
·         Practice evacuation routes in your house in case of a fire, flood, etc. Also practice stop, drop and roll techniques.

·         Each family member should know how to use a fire extinguisher.
·         Remember people in your family who have disabilities and pets as well.

Here are some ideas of things to pack in your kit! Make sure each family member has one kit.
·         Backpack
·         Duffle bag
·         Gallon bucket
·         Luggage
I personally like the backpack idea. It just makes it really easy and convenient to carry, but use what is best for your family.

·         One gallon of water per person per day. That makes three gallons for 72 hours. You cannot carry all of this in a backpack, so only carry what you can in your pack, but keep the rest in the same area so it’s easy to grab and go.
      Don’t use milk jugs to store the water. Use commercially bottled water or plastic soda pop bottles that have been cleaned. Replace non-commercial bottled water every six months.
·         You can also pack a water purification system such as water filters or iodine tablets.

Medical Supplies
·         Prescriptions
·         First aid kit
·         Eye glasses

You want at least a three day supply of non-perishable items for each person.
·         Choose food you will eat on a regular basis.
·         Remember special circumstances like for people who have diabetes.
·         Choose food that will not require refrigeration, cooking, or water. We learned that for dehydrated foods, it is very important you rehydrate them because if you don’t the food will take all the hydration out of you and during an emergency, water is so important.
o   Ready-to-eat meats, fruits, vegetables (fruit cups, etc)
o   Can opener
o   Protein and fruit bars
o   Dry cereal or granola
o   Peanut butter
o   Dried fruit
o   Nuts
o   Bottled juices
o   Dry milk
o   Vitamins
o   Food for infants
o   Comfort/stress foods (chocolate for all the ladies! J )
o   Crackers
I went online to look for examples of actual foods people pack and I found this example on a blog (http://preparedldsfamily.blogspot.com). This is a list for one day.
o   Kelloggs Pop tarts (two in one package)
o   Two PowerBar Protein Plus bars
o   Chef Boyardee Ravioli
o   Murachan Ramen noodles
o   Two fruit snacks
o   Del Monte Fruit cup
o   Sunmaid Raisins
o   Granola bar (one each of Quaker and Nature Valley)
o   Crystal light powder stick
o   Two water bottles
o   Germ-X hand wipes
o   Plastic fork/spoon
I think this is a good detailed list, except for the ramen. Only because if you were on the road how would you cook it? But if you plan on taking a propane stove or something like that with you then go ahead. Also, just remember you can alter this list to make it things that your family will eat. I would add beef jerky and packaged chicken or tuna.

Other supplies
·         Infant diapers
·         Extra keys to your home and vehicles
·         Copies of important documents (insurance cards, vaccinations)
·         Battery powered or hand crank radio and flashlight with extra batteries
·         Money –in small bills and coins. This is because if the power goes out, some stores and places will not be able to use the cash register. Also, the stores may not have enough change for big bills due to other people trying to get cash all at once.
·         Whistle to signal for help
·         Toilet paper
·         Moist towellettes
·         Garbage bags
·         Complete change of clothing (keep in mind weather changes: rain, snow, sun and also shoes)
·         Local maps
·         Mess kit- you can also use paper plates and utensils; keep in mind that you will need to use water to clean your mess kit
·         Matches in a waterproof container
·         Feminine supplies
·         Lip balm
·         Paper, pen and pencil
·         Multipurpose tool
·         Cellphone with charger
·         Dust mask
·         Plastic sheeting and duct tape for shelter
·         Hand sanitizer-this is important because disease is one of the first problems you hear about after a disaster as well as water shortage, so you want to kill germs, but use as little water as possible
·         Toothbrush, paste
·         Anything for pets: leash, food, water, copies of vaccinations and tag I.D.
·         Blanket or sleeping bag
Here are some ideas that I loved so much!

·         Put a list of the items in the kit near the top of the pack.

·         Put a small index card of the persons information (birthday, full name, address, parents name and numbers, in -own contact, out-of-town contact and out-of-state contact). Place this in a waterproof bag. This is especially important for children. Many times they don’t know phone numbers and such by memory.
·         Put a recent picture of the persons family (including pets) so that if you have, heaven forbid, lost your family member you can show people a picture of what they look like. Put this in a waterproof bag.

·         If in an emergency situation, it is going to be very stressful and so having some comfort items such as a favorite stuffed animal, games, cards, crossword puzzles, etc. will help relieve some stress.

·         Don’t forget scriptures! You can find them travel sized.

We were given the idea to make 3x5 cards of items to grab in the emergency. Make a few separate cards, such as items to grab in five minutes, items to grab if you have 20 minutes, and items to grab if you have an hour. Put these in a place you will know where to look such as on your fridge or in the area where your kits will be found. Place next to your kit things you would like to take if you have a bit of time such as a tent, photo albums, more water and anything you would like to take. Make sure each person in your family knows their responsibility when an emergency hits and what they should grab. 
So, now that you have your pack already to go, you need to remember to rotate the items. You don’t want to have expired food or information. Some ideas of when to rotate the items were to change a few items every month, during each conference or every six months, and each year. You can also change the pack on the person’s birthday! Get creative and make this a fun event for your family!

Coming up! Water storage

1 comment:

  1. We have some water we stored up for our "72 hour kit," do you want it? We can't take it with us
